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Writer's picture: Mama.Ash.xMama.Ash.x

Updated: Sep 24, 2019

We started this week with a playdate at the parents centre cafe with some of Kinsley's besties Harry, Georgia & Charlie. We all braved a storm because we didn't want another day cooped up inside amongst this terrible Auckland weather! Kinsley actually loved it as a much smaller group than usual, she was chatting to them all and watching them play and Georgia & Harry moved haha (because K isn't crawling yet she gets quite overwhelmed if lots of babies who can are all around her). Of course Georgia and her mummy brought us all a take home snack bag with new finger foods wooo, so adorable right!? Kinsley would still be #pureeforlife if she didn't help us haha! (We love and appreciate you so much Stevee!). Just before leaving we decided to take an updated photo of the rugrats and HOLEY SHIT they look like 3 toddlers on a couch waaaaa, last photo taken there 8 of our babies sat there! Where does time go eeeek. The BEST part of the morning was watching Max forget a pram, umbrella or any for of weather protection so when it was raging wind and rain we popped a pram rain cover over her head to get her t the carpark, it was hilarious as she looked like a total mess but Charlie was LOVING it, smiling and laughing out the back haha! Then a super lovely man gave her his umbrella to keep as he had seen us struggling - BEAUTIFUL right!? There is still some chivalry left in the world.

Oma & Opa got back from their winter holiday last weekend and we went over to Aunty Sams for family dinner for a delayed birthday hehe. It was so cool having everyone together and being early avo all the kiddies were awake so Kinsley got her cuzzie fix. She loved being there as all the boys toys are so different from hers (lots of wheels and motors haha). We found out she was a little daredevil buy popping her in their Tonka truck and the faster Dadda pushed her and brought her to a halt the more she giggled and clapped - TOO CUTE! Oma & Opa brought Kinsley back the cutest little sundress from Thailand and a little Elephant for her room, her first presents from outside the Tasman. She showed off her waving & Clapping and I know Oma was secretly stoked she wasn't crawling yet as she doesn't want to miss that milestone hehe!

Last week was horrific, it was the hardest week I have faced since being a mama.

I had a total of 10 hours sleep across about 4 days and did multiple car rides at all hours to get Kinsley to sleep. All mama's know their babies and I knew something wasn't right with K, she is such a good sleeper normally and even when we have hit regressions and developmental leaps her 'playing up' is nothing to this extreme. She would scream in her room, bed on us, everywhere it was horrible seeing her so so worked up for hours on end. Turns out the poor wee thing had blocked up bowels (from eating some moon sand at space) and then a raging sore throat and oncoming cold! No wonder she felt miserable. By night 3 I was pretty exhausted and in all honesty felt like a complete failure of a mum. When you can't calm your baby or get them to sleep happy it hurts, your one want or need is to protect them and make them happy and I just felt useless and when she wouldn't even calm on me that heightened :(

My mum and dad came up on Friday for the weekend and at 10pm when K had woken screaming mum was at her door and joined the trenches with me <3 At 1:45am we gave in an put her in the car and got maccas drive though hot choccys for fuel haha (very different to my last 2am maccas run hahahaha). And you know what it was the PERFECT time for her to be with me and help us through - Just knowing that your doing it with your mum makes it so much better (sorry for the raging party mum haha). The following night K wouldn't take her bedtime bottle from me or Nic (literally kicking us away) so we gave her to poppa and the bloody little madam sat on his knee, smiled and opened her mouth for her bottle! Then proceeded to drink the whole thing and go down to bed without a fuss hahahaha FML who would have thought! (Maybe she knows Poppa doesn't do crying babies LOL). So basically my fam couldn't have been here at a better time! THANKYOU!

Oh yeah today I woke up SICK and I feel like SHIT - No wonder the poor little bubba was beside herself :( Dadda Nic had to stay home to look after Kinsley while I slept and it was super adorable when I would wake to hear them playing, chatting, laughing. I just sat back and soaked it in because they are my world and there is nothing cuter! Just what you need to warm your heart after a rough week <3

It was Fathers Day and Nics first one with Kinsley earthside, and like the bloody amazing dad he is I woke up and rolled over to say Happy Fathers Day and he had already heard Kinsley earlier and got her up so I could sleep in after my lack off <3 Legend! So I stole K back and made him go sit in the lounge so she could deliver her presents hehe. We had so much fun making special stuff for Dadda - We painted some yummy Just Jess Cake Co cookies so I held K's hand and let her direct the brush (lovely scribble cookies haha) and we will do this every year and see how she improves hehe (one day she will even bake the cookies with aunty!) We then got him a new leather wallet and had it personalised with a message from Kinsley so everytime he opens it he thinks of her - So special! We then spent the day in the beautiful spring weather with our families. Walked hobby point with the Hekkens team and played on the swings with K, had lunch with Grandad and then an afternoon catch up at the Fels. Family, Love, Sun and some bloody good donuts hahahah "Perfection".

Chat soon

-A x

Tips for the week:

- MEASLES is scary and it keeps increasing by the day and I am literally scared to take my baby anywhere besides our close friends and families places and on walks where I can avoid people! its a horrible feeling and it make me mad that in an epidemic people still won't vaccinate with a proven vaccine to protect our future, our children. Any way not going to get into this or I may lose my shit.

- Get a sister who has epic taste in clothing haha! For my birthday mine gave me some new Aimn tights (they are amazing at holding the mum tum haha!) and also got Kisnley matching ones! I DIE THEY SO CUUUTE!

- If you do Tadpole swimming classes brace yourself for submerging focused weeks haha, once they are under thats not the end of it! :P A few weeks into the focus you will create a little whirl pool and then let your babe go under water and grab them as they re-pop up! I was soooo nervous but it was actually really cool and the water propels them and it gives them the feeling of actual free floating! We also started floating on noodles as it makes them feel like they are not being held (This just looks SUPER CUTE).

- Prepare for changing a nappy to become almost impossible, or getting dressed for that matter haha! All Kinsley want's to do now is roll away and fast, a few times I am like I won't fight you girl go for it (little bare bottoms look cute rolling around) but safe to say we have had a few wees on the carpet hahaha! Kinsley 1: Mama 0

- Kids are weird, they do weird stuff and its totally adorable and entertaining! At this age they are learning so much each day that you get a lot of these moments. Our latest is Kinsley has discovered that her texture books feel funny on her tongue, so she spends hours licking them and seeing how the different pages feel hahahaha #weirdbaby

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