So its official I now am a working mama - I'm back in the ad game 4 days a week, Baby girl is in daycare and Dadda kicks off the nightime routine. So far its going well. We are 1.5 weeks deep and starting to adjust more and more.
The first few days were emotionally tough for me, I'm not going to sugar coat it - I pretty much cried myself to sleep most nights or stood over my sleeping baby girl and just sobbed. There was every form of emotion that added to this and weirdly its not all sad or bad.
Guilt - For not being able to be a full time mama
Sadness - For not being able to stay at home full time
Happiness - That my baby was loving daycare and that I was providing for her future
Excitement - To be back doing the thing I love and to see where it will lead
Proud - That Kinsley was killing daycare on all levels and that I was efficient as hell in the office
Love - For my family and how we all made it work as a team
Feeling all these in waves and mixed together of course makes for a rollercoaster ride and the biggest thing for me was going from seeing her all day to then 30-60 minutes total and that was hard... but at the end of the day I know its the best decision for our future as a family and one we have made perfectly together its just adjusting <3
Wednesdays are my new favourite day simply because its all mine with my baby girl and I get to have her in my bed in the AM for cuddles - And you know what she can put her fingers up my nose, pull my ears and dribble all over me and I will welcome it with open arms just because I can't have it the rest of the working week hahaha. She could probably even poop my bed and I would give her a big cuddle for it haha #mumsarecrazy
Anyway this is a post I wrote after my first day back that sums up the raw emotions that ran through this mama...
☆ My first day back at work post you ☆
I blinked and my year maternity leave was up. When you first file for a year off you are so excited and think and feel like that is aaaaages but it actually isn't. It absolutely flys by.
Last week we transitioned you into daycare while I wasn't at work so we could make sure your routine adapted and do slightly shorter days. You were an absolute angel and loved every minute of it, so happy, playing, sleeping and eating super well. So that made me feel not only so proud but more comfortable about starting back at work the following week.
Well today was day one and it went super well and actually super fast but by god I missed you and was so so excited to get in my car and come home. Of course there was traffic and when I got home to your smiley face I was so happy but 30 minutes later and it was your bedtime and to be completely honest it broke my heart. I felt robbed of time, play and cuddles with you. And I know its for the best and our future will be so much better for it but its going to be a big adjustment for this little mama.
I already cant wait for you to wake up in the morning and smile that cheeky beautiful little smile at me and come in for a big cuddle.
Sleep well baby girl, I love you ♡
Love your working mama x
To be honest outside of settling into daycare and work life we haven't got much to talk about, of course week two and K has the daycare bugs full blown (snot and cough for africa) so the weekend we partied A LOT :P Friday she wanted to stay up until 3am and Saturday she decided to wake up at 3am hahaha - lucky mama and dadda were smart and went to bed as soon as she did and then watched the rugby at 4am instead! (Kinsley then slept trough the RWC 1/4 finals between the AB's and Ireland, typical hahaha).
Kinsleys Great Oma turned 87 on the weekend so we had a family lunch, the sun was shining and it was super nice to get out and just have a break from the fast paced week it had been. Kisnley showed off and performed her dutch song and actions with Oma & Opa which was a huge hit haha! It was crazy watching her cousins and second cousins run around thinking that will be her in another blink or two (my track record i blink and loose about a year haha!). So Sunday night our cup was full and we were ready for another week at work and daycare!
First birthday planning is well and truly underway and its getting so close that I now need to start piecing it all together! I just can't believe baby K is nearly one. This weekend we went material shopping with Oma who is making us something for the day - peep the colours that match her unicorn theme! You just wait haha! And we had to buy her some new shoes that she will get given on her birthday but wear at her party - Just like her dadda and has to have fresh kicks for an event ;)
Anyway short entry this time around as lets be honest I'm juggling my career, admin for my sisters business and being a mum and a fiance - Its pretty full on and its my bedtime hahah!
Next time I write I will have a ONE YEAR OLD!
-A x
Tips for the week:
- I might be late to the bandwagon but I honestly think when any mamas or daddas go back to work make sure you make your life easy for at least the first wee while. Hello Fresh has been my savior and makes dinner time so easy so I can still maximise my teeny amount of time i get with the little one but eat healthy too!
- Having extreme organisation OCD is a blessing in disguise - I plan out Kinsleys outfit, my outfit, pack our bags and prep breke the night before and then in the morning I set out dinner, her bath and PJs for when Nic gets home. Yes it helps him with routine but to be fair it helps me more. Knowing that everything is ready to go and that its super helpful means I am more relaxed and ready for the day and will sleep much better!
- All parents are obsessed with their kids right!? Well make sure you make your babe your work laptop background, have a printed photo on your desk, phone lock and home screen and that way someone is bound to comment and you can talk about your littlest love without actually being the obsessed mum that brings it up hahahahahaha - too far? #sorrynotsorry