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Writer's picture: Mama.Ash.xMama.Ash.x

Wow and just like that I am now a mama of a baby, not a newborn. Kinsley and this mama and dadda have graduated the fourth trimester. It's a great feeling knowing I've kept her alive haha! But seriously it's an empowering feeling knowing I have been a mama for 3 months and that I have passed the unknown first time waters of newborn life! It does also come with a little twinge of sadness because my beautiful baby girl who used to fit snuggled up in my arms is now filling up my torso, shes growing (perfectly aand beautifully so yay us ha) but time is rushing away from me and it's a little scary! She was asleep a couple of nights ago and I was a blubbering mess remisinising on having her in my belly and then those first few weeks, so small (Nic was smiling and semi laughing at me with a look on his face of f*** shes crazy lol, just like when I was pregnant and cried because my hair looked so nice hahahha #memories).

Skittle our cat (aka Nics other baby) has become very protective over Kinsley when I have her in her nuna and pop to get dressed and Kinsley starts to cry skittle meows as if to let me know! She has finally taken to bubba as hasnt cared much to date 😂 We were all laying by the playmat and this mama made the mistake of shaking a toy above Kinsley AND Skittles head - Skittle reached for it and on the way down her paw knicked Kinsleys face (#badmom I know) so she has her first little cut, she didnt even care she just got a fright and let out a small cry.

Kinsley is preparing herself to roll, those little chubby legs are bending up and she arches her neck back and starts to swing. I am trying to do longer tummy time each day to help strengthen her back and neck muscles but she still goes from love to hate real quick haha and then throws me a shady look like this b***h is crazy putting me on my face 🤣 On the weekend her uncle Broccy and Ethan had their first round of MX nationals so she watched them race during tummy time hehe! She is giggling heaps now too and baby chatting every day, its so infectious to hear 😍

Bubba is still sleeping so well at night with her one wake and is starting to go down earlier, it's crazy when shes asleep before 8pm because me and Nic actually get to sit together and have adult chat and eat HOT dinner #smallthings. She is also now starting to get into her day sleeps vs cat naps and is loving routine which means I get to eat and pee most days now 😅 yaaaassss. She still loves to be swaddled when shes super tired and it instantly makes those eyes heavy but during the day she likes to side nap and have her arms up so we are slowly transitioning to arms out swaddles to help for when shes rolling and cant be wrapped. It's so cute seeing her sleep more like a human vs baby ha! Most classic thing this week was her falling asleep sitting vertically with dadda 🤣

This week we attended our first SPACE class and of course half the antenatel crew aka the under 1 year A-Team travelled in a pack, it was really good we sung lots of songs and made a teething toy and just got to know each other, I'm looking forward to seeing what the future weeks bring! So adorable Kinsleys bf Harry is also obsessed with his cuddly toy and they were laying next to each other just grabbing and sucking them 😂 tooo cute x

We start life outside the newborn bubbl with 3 month vaccinations and a small belly button procedure so wish us luck!

Tips for the week:

- My Two Poppets check them out, they make the most beautiful custom mobiles for kids rooms. I got one done to make Kinsleys nursery a bit more girly and I adore it 😍 stunning!! A must for every nursery or even a great baby shower gift idea!!

- Make sure you capture the crying, screaming, pooing, lip quivering moments on camera too because a lot of babies lives are spent doing this too haha! And lets be honest it's still adorable and will make great memories to show them one day. (Kinsley doesnt like farting in water- bahahaha, I laughed and caught it on camera).

- Make sun blocking fun from the start (well try ha!) Make noises when applying it to bebe like you do at playtime to make it less stressful (for you lol as somehow they know it's not an after bath massage!) We have been using our little dragon in this heat 🙌🏻

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