I really enjoy sitting in her nursery and watching her drift of to sleep in the afternoons, I used to sit in the same spot when pregnant looking at her space imagining what it would be like, now its here I know it's where I am meant to be ❤ bonus being I can now lay on the chair because I'm not whale haha! Its here that I blog or order photos and just take time to reflect and relax and catch up on the week thats passed or the days that blur, it kind of brings you back to the present and slows you back down.
My postpartum body is doing well, my regular periods are back and my mum tum is going down (I am so close to fitting my pre kinsley denim again woo) and overall I feel content and happy with my mama body, its grown a beautiful life so why shouldn't I be! Yes I still want to get my muscle tone back and drop a wee bit more weight but I'm not in a rush it will happen 🙌🏻 My mum treated me new CK's when she came back from Auzzie and it feels so good to be back in non maternity undies hahaha!! Preggers undies meet the bin ha! Another thing that was brought back from Auzzie with Nana was a GIANT Jellycat bunny, apparently it was just sitting in a mall window all lonely and didn't want a mall life anymore it needed a home so nana adopted it for Kinsley hahaha! Its actually as big as her so she loves to snuggle it with her full body soon adorable! No doubt when she is on the move it will be dragged around with her like a pillow hehe. IT IS SOOOOOOO CUTE!! She was also super spoilt with me beautiful clothes from Nana and Aunty!
Kinsley had her first day at the MX track on the weekend to watch her uncles race in round 3 of the nationals, she was super good about the whole thing and actually didn't mind her baby earmuffs at all (even when they fell over her eyes hahahaha). Of course Dadda didn't like the actual branding on the muffs so before the day was over he had branded them up with uncle Broccys #97 haha so now I suppose if she ever gets lost it could act as a return to sender sort of thing right!? haha! It was a nice avo and the mountain buggy came in handy (exactly the sort of terrain that made me buy one lol) and she loved having cuddles with the fam. Two things I learnt - 1. even though bebe isn't running around they will still get dusty so maybe don't put them in a white tee and chucks and 2. Its a great way to tire them out haha literally 30 seconds into the car ride home she was done haha!
After a few days of rain and being stuck inside we got out walking over the last few days and just hanging in the nice weather as before we know it winter will be here! We walked the boardwalk at hobby point with Kinsleys beautiful god mama Meeky and bubba Harry which was good for the soul, we spent an afternoon at the bike track with our gorg nephews and Aunty Sam and kept Just Jess Cake Co company on her admin afternoon hehe! We are so lucky to be surrounded by the ones we love and to see them every week! #whatjob
We had a HUGE milestone this week! K rolled over woooooo - she decided she didn't want to do anymore tummy time and that she would roll away to avoid it haha. It was so exciting and she was so proud of herself, she then continued EVERY time I popped her on her tummy to roll so who knows how much tummy time she will get now ha! She is still super close to rolling the other way but not quite there yet her little shoulder gets stuck under her big head hahaha, but each day she doesn't is another night I can have her in a swaddle so no rush :P
Another fantastic thing that the wonderful world of bringing up a baby throws at you is this thing called a 4 month sleep regression (anything to do with sleep sounds scary as its the highest commodity now days hahaha!) and this week its with us and it SUCKS like so much, its the hardest thing for me since waiting for my milk to come in! Its a period in their development where they wake more frequently in the night, get super upset and refuse day sleep and like to basically throw any level of routine you had out the window and start again. Th e scary thing being its from this regression they form habits to take into their infant lives so as much as you want to just do whatever to survive when they now wake 3x more a night than your used to you can't make it a habit! We are a week deep and I am more used to being a zombie again now, the first couple of days as soon as she would finally get to sleep I would just cry. It gave me the mum guilts REAL bad as I felt like I was failing her by not being able to get her to have a good sleep and her always going to sleep post being upset :( the wee hours sleep wouldn't have helped this but hey its all normal! Im hoping it will only last another week max not up to 6 like some poor mamas get! Oh yeah - I now drink ACTUAL COFFEE #youtoldmeso
-A x
Tips this week:
- Teeth may not cut through until babe is 6 months old but teething can start up to as early as 3 months before! Basically thing start moving around in their gums and they can feel it all. Kinsley has started to chew everything vs suck and some evenings she gets little rosey cheeks and then loves the ice cold teether! The first time we gave it to her was in the bath and then overtime we tried to take it out she got upset as it must have felt so nice on her gums! So pop a teething ring in the freezer from the get-go as you never know when it may be needed!
- There is a little NZ company called Lost Studios who makes amazing personalised mugs (amongst other beautiful things) who was lovely enough to gift us some that turned up on a surprise courier! They say Mum and Dad established 2018, what an adorable idea and a cool baby shower or new arrival gift!
- If you are a Jellycat bunny fan (or obsessed like me ha!) then you NEED the book in your life thats based on them - its called The Magic Bunny and is a beautiful story to read before bed. Its been added to our pile and I loooove watching her Dadda read to her at night.