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  • Writer's pictureMama.Ash.x


It's so amazing being a mama to this beautiful girl x

So this week I have slowly been preparing Kinsleys room for when she moves into the cot, got a basket for her soft toys removed the quilt and washed the cot sheets etc. I have been quite excited to move her as she is always at ease in her beautiful room and I feel she should sleep better without her feet kicking the bassinet and my restlessness. But when night one of the big move came I got her down and started being overwhelmed with emotions, proceeding to walk out to the lounge and burst into tears on Nic. I felt sad and like I was abandoning her, scared she might wake in the night and be scared not hearing us breathe and just crazy upset by it all! I was weighing up pulling an all nighter staring at the monitor or sleeping on her floor but kept myself in line reassuring myself she is literally another 6 metres away haha, oh and I made Nic stay up watching TV and the monitor for an hour so I could fall asleep! 😅 I cried again before closing my eyes because I lay in bed and could see her little empty bassinet next to me and no little sniffles and breathes in my ear 😭 they grow so so fast, I just want to hold her tight forever (I even slept with her bunny haha) the next morning (yes she slept through!!!) walking in and opening the curtains seeing her face light up and her massive smile was such an amazing feeling. She loves her room and sleeps so well in there 💕 it's the best thing we have done for her and our sleep! She even has slept through 7-7 a few times! Next step two arms free Haha!

Our baby girl is now 4 months old and it's such an exciting time of their first year, they respond to you, play, show excitement and learn so so much. It's fun to be able to interact with them and get it back, we have so many laughs together now 😍 this did come with a huge growth spurt and when plunket came we even double checked her growth as it was so insane Haha! She has lengthened 6cm in a month and is 91st centile for her height so still super long Haha! She weighs 6.91kg so good amount of chubby 💕 her thighs are simply delicious! With that growth spurt came a huge pile of 0-3 month clothes that no longer fit 😭 it's so sad sorting through them all and realizing how they truly are not little for very long! But it also means kinsley had to do some shopping Haha yay (the latest Jamie kay drop was where it all began hahaha).

Those of you that know us well know that Nics family is massive Haha! And they have an annual Fels family day where they compete in family units for a sheild, this year was Kinsleys first one đŸ‘¶đŸŒđŸ–€ she was a little overwhelmed with all the faces that cooed over her to start with (shes at the stage where she crys if she doesnt recognize you haha) but settled in and we had an aweosme day surrounded by those we love. So aweosme now that our nephews are old enough to get involved in all the games they love it!! Kinsley took just jess cake co famous donuts for her first BYO plate hehe 🙊

This week our coffee group went to a development seminar for 4-6months which was a cool change and always interesting to get information to take on board. The most Interesting part for me was the signs of bubba getting ready for solids (which I am now starting to see in K so it wont be long eeeek!). We also had a 4 month apt with Plubket healthcare to talk us through how to introduce solids so we are ready to go when baby is 🍏 she is obsessed with watching us eat which is one of the first signs Haha!

We had nana stay with us this week while poppa is fishing up north and it's been awesome having an adult buddy and company hehe (plus I get fed and to shower whenever I want ha!). Being as solids is fast approaching we went to the baby show to get some deals, cute little plates and freezer trays etc (we even found a unicorn yay!). It of course was pissing down in Auckland so just getting from your car to the building we got saturated (kinsley perfectly dry in ger pram haha) and as you imagine inside was swirling with mums, dads, babies it was MANIC but so much fun at the same time Haha, the coffee stand would have made a killing 😂 I then introduced mum to the mumm mumm shop in takapuna which she of course fell in love with! Now I have a baby girl (when shopping for the unknown I coudlnt go nuts lol) I also re fell in love and may have spent this weeks grocery money 🙊 #sorrybabe #nolunchthisweek hahaha

We also took mum to space and showed her all our singing and playing, this week we finished our foot moulds which was sooo cool and it now takes pride on my coffee table 👣💕

Time continues to fly, she continues to grow and I continue to be in awe ❀

-A x

Tips this week:

- Appreciate having one bubba when times get tough Haha! Honestly twin mums are actually the worlds superwoman, when I struggle with Kinsley I think to myself ash this is nothing imagine if you had 2 Haha! I got a small taste of this watching Harry while his mama went to the bathroom and just not having one free hand I was like OMG hahaha!!

- If you have any clothes from when you were a baby get your hands on them and use them on your little one! Its sooo cool seeing them in things you used to wear. Me and my sister wore a lot of oshkosh OG and she got kinsley some for xmas and she fits the first peice and its fricken adorable!!

- Apprecitate technology its actually quite amazing that when you are away from those you love you can still see them đŸ™ŒđŸ» Baby daddy went to taupo for the weekend for MX nationals with the boys and it was his first time away from us girls for the night but it was so cool to be able to send pictures and videos still. When he got home bubba was in bed for the night and he wanted to wake and cuddle her it was so cute (he didnt though Haha but safe to say Monday after work he grabbed her straight from me hehe 😍)

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