That is the easiest way to sum up the last fortnight (and we haven't even started solids yet haha!) Life has been all over the show, the ups, the downs and side-to-sides but we are out the other end and creeping so close to 5 months old eeeeek! (I'm starting to lose count of how many weeks she is now as they just fly by!)
The nineteenth week = We got to wear our first TUTU 🎀 and everyone that saw her melted hehe! It is a little Hux Baby number and in true fashion (just like her mama) it was paired with some epic kicks haha (we always have to have a little bit of badass in our outfits 😋). The debut was for Opas 60th birthday at the Riverbed, it was a stunning afternoon so the whole family got together to celebrate and we FINALLY got our first full Fels family photo with Kinsley and her cousins present (Adorable). The cutest part was her cousin Ty just loves to look after her and was pushing her around in her pram for sleep time (😭*I'm not crying you are haha!) its so freakin CUTE.
Babies do not stay babies for very long and the next big phase for our little family (and all Kisnleys baby friends actually haha) is introducing solids, to me its exciting and scary all at the same time! Its scary (just like anything in parenthood) because you don't know how bus will react to allergen foods, how easy or hard their digestive system will take it, how it will make them feel etc. Its another jump into the unknown! But its super exciting too seeing your little one develop and the enjoyment they will get from it all and to go into super mama mode and make food for them hehe (ya'll know me and the kitchen ha!) Kinsley is showing 99% of the signs of readiness so I'm getting prepared.
- Highchair ✔
- Freezer Trays ✔ (I adore the Haaka silicone trays as easy to portion and pop out, we have been using them for milk iceblocks)
- Baby food maker ✔ (on its way)
- Fresh veggies ✔
We are going to start with a couple of spoonfuls to see how she goes next week when she's hitting that 5 month mark and following the single taste route - we will introduce one pureed veg for 2-3 days then another, then another and start mixing once we have a few up our sleeves. Just gives us the chance to look at how she reacts to the taste, digestion etc so we can limit anything that may not bode so well 🥔🥕 My coffee group (I need a new name for them as actually we are so close that Kisnley already has 11 aunties and best friends haha!) had Julie Bhosales team come in and chat through introducing solids and it was really cool to all learn at the same time, also meant we got our hands on the Nourished Baby book which is REALLY REALLY good (recommended even if you don't agree with 100% of the process, example for us we won't introduce allergen foods in phase one!).
Baby daddys baby sister got married! And this mama and dadda had their first day & night out with just the two of us since Kinsley joined us earth-side. It was the most STUNNING day and had all the feels for us. Nic was lucky enough to be part of the bridal party as Uncle Haydn is actually one of his best mates haha so how EPIC is that being in your baby sisters wedding! It was such a surreal experience for me being out without bubba, it was like going back in time to when me and Nic were young but also having this sense of missing someone at the same time. I didn't expect it to feel like we were meeting again for the first time with that excitement that was well before baby, I found myself watching him but in a different light not only the one i feel in love with but a dadda and it just makes your heart flutter all over again! We had the best night surrounded with those we love and it makes me so excited to become Mrs Fels someday soon!
We had Nana and Poppa on babysitting duties so they lived with us again this week haha and it was so nice being out but without a worry in the world!
Kinsley started to go downhill on Saturday night and Nana noticed she was sneezing and starting to sound snuffly, by Sunday night she was full blown with cough, sneezing, phlegm, watery red eyes and it was horrible to see. He little face was all chubby and she just didn't look herself (even though she still tired so hard to smile and laugh). The next four days were super rough and I am so glad Nana and Poppa stayed with us until she started to come out the otherside. She was off her food, screamed for hours to get to sleep and we ended up having her back in the side sleeper next to us on an angle so she didn't get phlegm stuck in her throat (a few scary times when she did and started to choke!). But we rode it out together (taking turns holding her until she settled and every hour or so when she woke and she's now out the other side and getting better each day! One night I slept on the nursery floor because she was up every 15 minutes between 11 - 3!! Poor wee girl, its so horrible seeing them sick and unhappy. 😥
And of course it was also the week I was having a wee surgery to cut a mole out from on my head behind my ear so I was super lucky that Nana and Poppa looked after sick bubba and Baby Daddy took and looked after me for the day (honestly I now understand 'it takes a village' haha). I did love the cuddles post my little opp from the sick bubba though hehe as she's normally miss independent ha!
Kinsley has a new game at tummy time called 'be a penguin' haha she kick her legs 100mph thinking she is moving closer to whats infront of her or the baby in the mirror haha! But her little arms fly back like wings so she just stays on the spot its so adorable! Once those hands hit the floor and she starts to push up we are in trouble ha! She also now recognises faces in the mirror and loves to smile and chat to herself in it (I have one mounted to the wall at ground height on one of her play stations in the lounger) - and yes your lounge gets taken over when your a parent as they need station to move to and from!
Anyway thats us for another fortnight, next time I muse I will have a big 5 month old thats probably eaten some actual food - I know right, time to go get emosh and look at baby photos that feel like just yesterday hahaha!
-A x
Tips for the weeks:
- The vicks digital forehead thermometer is an absolute lifesaver and amazing for bubbas! No fuss of trying to keep a thermomoter under a wriggling armpit and Kisnley even loves the colour coding system it has so she knows when i turn it on that it goes on her head then ill show her afterwards (they really are smart little things!) anyway highly recommended! Super accurate too.
- Germs are good for babies immune systems but when you get hit with a memo cold that drops them your first instinct is to then de-germ everything as they get better, turns out my friend taught me that any soft toys you can pop in the freezer for 24 hours and it will kill all bugs! Ours had a tumble in the machine instead but awesome trick for if they ar not saturated in sickness spit haha!
- If you ever find yourself getting new carpet before starting a family get like some insane double layer comfy as carpet for the babies room (actually and lounge) because you spend A LOT of time on the floor (also recommend yoga haha). From sleeping on the floor when they are poorly or partying all night to playing next to them everyday, its actually insane how well I have got to know my carpet hahaha!