Wow being sick and a full time mama is the actual worst. Having a little human to look after when you cant even look after yourself deff tests you! I wound up with Inflamed lungs from a chest infection, bronchitis and to top it all of a cold. I managed for a day and then Nic could tell by talking to me on the phone I wasn't ok and he came home and had the next day off to be with Kinsley so I could rest up. I am so thankful he did having a 24hr mini mum-cation was exactly what I needed (aka sleep and drugs haha) so I'm on the up and back to being mum yay!
Last week this mama had a night off and partied with the FCB crew at our industry awards, our lifesaver Oma took Kinsley for the night which meant when I woke the next morning (slightly hungover haha and super tired) I could roll over and go back to sleep - IT WAS BLISS. I then got up and it was like a flash back where I could eat, shower and laze in my towel without someone needing me haha. I then went over in the afternoon to see the little beautiful face i of course missed EVERY MINUTE. Nic went away on a boys weekend for Uncle Robs birthday so this mama had to put her big girl pants on and stay at home with Kisnley alone (those that know me know I hated doing this when it was just me haha I get so scared!) anyway I did it yasssss! (Ok I only did it one of the two nights hehe the other one we stayed with Oma & Opa with all the Fels girls and little ones present it was sooooo nice!). When Dadda walked in the door that afternoon his girls were SUPER excited and we all snuggled on the couch for the evening.
We decided to get Kinsley immunised for Menz B which is an out of routine vaccination currently in NZ (Me & Nic had as kids as it was part of the national schedule then). This means that it costs for you too order in and administer it. Being as Kinsley will be starting daycare just before she is one we had it done at 6 months with a second round at 8 months and a booster once bigger. Its a total personal decision and one we made for our family (thanks to an amazing friend who gives us ALL the medical info to work with) and something you should totally look into if you feel its right for your little family! Kinsley was so so good with it (cried for literally 3 seconds) but that evening was CARNAGE she was just in so much pain and couldn't get comfy so it was a rough one that required me and Nic to get her to sleep (one holding and bouncing, one rubbing bunny on her face and stroking her head) poor wee thing! #teamworkmakesthedreamwork but like all imms its short lived and she was back to her happy self in no time.
I LOVE this age, everyday new things pop up and milestones are achieved! 6.5 months has brought us so much fun, laughter and pride seeing our little girl grow.
- She now rolls every direction and way and won't stop haha so I officially can't leave her for more than a few seconds or shes half way across the room ha! She also doesn't look for things when she rolls so she occasionally rolls on top of hard toys and gets upset haha! But she knows exactly how to move to get to the things she wants!
- She LOVES her solids now and especially breke and its going well she is on 2x meals a day and eating meat, fruit, veges & baby rice! Plus is she also LOVES her water cup and drinking water its actually quite entertaining watching her face light up when she sees it and guzzling it like its going to dissapear haha!
- She is STILL getting taller haha so much so that all her bloody pants are 3/4 in length but then baggy round her little tummy #thanksdadda
- Her hair is so so thick and getting long - Surely its fountain time soon :P #thanksmama and she doesn't shut up hahaha I think she got that from me :P
The Autumn sun is amazing and we have been making the most of it wherever we can. Last weekend we went for a walk around Hobby Point and had lunch with some of our friends that also have little ones and it was so refreshing! We also took Kinsley on her first swing (one of the ones they lay in, well can haha) and it was hilarious! She was frozen like stayed EXACTLY where I put her and the only muscle she would move was her mouth (hahahaha couldn't stay quiet duhh) but she did look to be enjoying it! She also LOVES being on her daddas shoulders and it makes my heart all fluttery seeing it haha, so CUTE!
Anyway I can't believe my baby is 7 months soon and before I get all emosh about it ill leave 6.5 months there. More mama musings soon.
-A x
Tips this week:
- Easiest toy ever a CAKE BOARD (yes a bloody cake board I could have got from my sister ages ago haha!) they love to look at the reflection when they hold it, chew on it and if you pop duracel on the other side make shiny patterns!
- If your babe is obsessed with something make sure you never leave the house without it (especially if its what they go to sleep with!) I made that mistake (You all know Baby K and her bunnies) and I tried everything to get her to sleep in the pramb (for 1.5 hours haha) and then gave in a brought a new bunny and within 60 seconds of giving it to her she was out like a light hahahahah! Mama =0 Kinsley =1
- Take milestone pictures not of just your own baby but their friends too (and the mummas!) Me and one of my besties meeks realised we hadn't yet had a photo with our babes since they were born (only them together) so at 6M we finally got one! Also our antenatal group had the 6M line up soooo cool seeing how they have all grown!!
- Be prepared that as your babies grow coffee group becomes less relaxing and more chaotic hahaha! we had 10x 5-6M old babes moving, chatting, crying in a room and it was INSANE and quite funny to stand back at take in - Imagine them all in another few months!