Our baby girl is SEVEN months old and she is just blossoming as her own little person - This is the most amazing age! She chats (fav word at the moment is baba), rolls everywhere and because she can't crawl she does 13-point turns via rolling to get over the other side of the playmat to a toy its hilarious to watch (but how smart!? 7M old and she knows she needs to get somewhere haha), blows spit bubbles and fart noises, copies what you do her newest trick is "bang bang" and she grabs two items (mainly her stacking cups) and bags them together or on a surface (if the surface doesn't make much noise she looks for another even!). Like how amazing are their fast learning little minds!? I feel so blessed that I get to watch her figure this world out.
We spent queens birthday weekend down at Nana and Poppas as it was Poppas birthday! We road tripped down Friday after work and arrived to a chilly Ohakune but a warm snuggly fire and dinner hehe (grandparents are the best!). When we woke Saturday Kinsley rode Poppas birthday present from all us Hekkens kids down the hallway to surprise him (yes we got our dad a longboard for his 56th Birthday haha how EPIC is that!). We went out for breke as a family (Even Kinsley had her porridge & fruit at the cafe hehe) and then spent the evening at happy hour playing pool and having a brew - Kinsley even had her first Peroni, shes got good taste that girl haha! (Calm down Susan she just used an empty as a teether :P)
Ohakune had its first big dumping of snow for winter 2019 while we were there and the following day was a cracker so we took Kinsley up the mountain to see her first snow outside the belly. It actually was such a nice morning that it wasn't even that cold so she didn't need a huge jacket which was perfect! She didn't mind the coldness of it all but she hated the brightness (you forget this as we always have sunnies or googles on, she doesn't have any yet haha) so she was happiest when dadda put his sunnies on her (TO FREAKING ADORABLE)! Shes a lucky little thing seeing the snow at 7 months old haha - we still haven't even taken Oma to see it! :P Bunny even came with us (of course haha). Can't wait to see her as a future little grom hehe (and i can't wait to not be preggers AF on the sideline this year!!).
Kinsley and I actually stayed down longer (Dadda had to go pay the bills) to spend some time with Nana and Poppa and make the most of maternity leave. It was so nice pretending I don't live in a big town with big responsibilities haha! My maternity leave is going way too fast for my liking (that's another story as thinking about daycare sends me into a panic) so It felt like a little holiday for me and dads always up for Happy Hour infront of their fire each day so win win ha! Kisnley loved waking up each morning and having more faces to talk to and play with and she showed off all her tricks! Nana introduced her to teething rusks which she LOVES and I should have listened when she said even though they just suck them you need a bib :P (The drool was NEXT LEVEL haha #mumsalwaysright). We then road tripped back in Poppas ute, naturally bumpy so watching Kinsleys cheeks bobble with the vibrations when asleep was very entertaining hahaha! She was super good and had a big lunch nap the first half and then played the second half (I was backseat entertainment lol). Dadda was so excited to see us when he got home from work and we were here! Its the longest hes ever been away from Kisnley and he didn't like it, he said it was too quiet and boring haha! But the plus side he got to watch the basketball with no interruptions :P
We had a lovely Sunday at home as a family just playing and relaxing and then come 3am Monday morning I turned that upside down - This mama got really bad food poisoning and woke at 3am (Kinsley must have known as she slept through until 3:30am then Dadda had to get up) and was throwing up every 6 minutes for hours! Then my body added the bum wees (TMI soz) and slowed down to every 25 minutes but the double whammy. I have not been this sick since I was 18 and in hospital from chicken. It was hell. Nic stayed to look after Kinsley for the morning and I had messaged my mumma (lucky they hadn't made the trip back) at 4am, 5am and 6am so as soon as she woke her and dad where at ours looking after Kinsley so Nic could go to work and I could stay in fetal position in bed - They would stand at the door with Kisnley so she could smile at me so that made me feel better for a few seconds <3 I came right enough to be human the next day but had my nana come round and spent the day with us which was so nice as we hadn't seen her in a few weeks and just us time was so lovely (and she made me scrambled eggs which shes always done for us when we are sick YUM) and she even walked Kinsley for lunch nap so I could shower haha!
Well we hit 7 months with what looks like to be a toothy peg coming through eeeek lets see how cutting this goes (wish us luck haha!?) and on to the next fortnight of raising a baby girl.
Talk soon
-A x
Tips for the week:
- Keep hand sanitiser in your baby bag if you road trip because when its pissing down so you have to feed bus at Otrahonga maccas rather than in a nice park on the side of the road you will want to sanitise EVERYTHING they touch, cause lets be real you can't stop them touching things within reach :P
- If you own a mountain buggy invest in the sleeping bag attachment - LIFE CHANGING! Especially if you have family in the snow haha! It attaches to the full length of the pram so not just a baby thing and is super easy to pop them in and out of! Kinsley loves it as soon as shes in there she snuggles in and sleeps or just pops her arms out the top to play and look around but is super snuggly! Also a plus that it breaks the wind and keeps babe warm without having to dress in heaps of clothes, so when you then go inside you just pop them out!
- Stacking cups are an awesome toy for the 6-7M age bracket as they start to watch how you put them in and out but they use them to chew (duh) and learn to bang and turn over its so cool to watch! Then as she gets older she will use them to learn to stack and pop in and out (Tolo or Green Toys are so cool!)