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Writer's picture: Mama.Ash.xMama.Ash.x

This week we hit the road on our first road trip to nana and poppas in Ohakune where we spent 5 days and NY eve. It was like a holiday in a hotel hehe we were fed every Meal, clothes washed, towels on the bed and live in baby helpers hehe = bliss 🙌🏻 they really made it feel like a holiday for us which was just what we needed and we are hugely grateful!! Nana even had Kinsley for half a day so we could go to brunch and for a ride just the two of us, was refreshing! Of course Kinsley has a complete set up in Kune town so all we have to bring is her and some clothes hehe, nana has made it all cozy and comfy just like a home away from home 😍

Kinsley was an angel the whole trip! 6 hours in total with the two stops to feed, change and have a kick around which was fab time (couple of burps in the park that came with milk lol). She pretty much slept the whole time or listened to our crazy singing 😂 she got a little bI t car sick once we were there (and home) with her next feeds so a couple of power chucks which can be super scary as they sound and as much comes out as big humans haha! But as long as you change them fast so they dont get cold they go back to being happy pretty quickly!

The boys did some massive trail rides on their mountain bikes and sunk a few beers while us girls did some shopping in Taihape (holey shit they have THE BEST baby shop there that stocks minti, federation etc so I may have gone crazy lol) and lots of walks and chats ❤ then NY eve we had a BBQ in the afternoon sun and when Kinsley went down at 10pm so did we 😂 it was our first new years sober since we were 16 so an experience all right #areweoldnow?

Kinsley is in her second mental leap and the changes are amazing to watch unfold 😍 she is super smiley but now also tries to laugh but no sound comes out its so delicious haha!

She now knows her hands are attached to her and focuses on them assessing them so hard she goes cross eyed haha and is starting to hit things with them (so now really loving her nuna and playmats!). She recognizes the faces of those closest to her outside of mama and dada and even smiles when she sees them!

Physically her eyes are lightening even more, I think shes going to have her daddy's baby blues (that still give mama butterflies to this day)! 💙 Shes malting haha literally! Her hair is mega falling out and you find it in her bed all the time haha but the new hair is growing back super blonde.

I know we are all biased with our own bebes but shes just so cute and I cant get enough of the little faces she pulls and I swear she gets cuter and cuter everyday! Shes got chubby little cheeks which make even her straight face look eatable! She adores bath time and even wriggles her way down so everything is under water besides her head (occasionally when her chin gets close she trys to lick the water 😅) so we have introduced bathtime to her daily routine as it also relaxes her to then sleep well.

Heaps of development specialists say that soft toys don’t stimulate babies enough for any mental or motor development and don’t rate them, I personally call bullshit on this, hey they might not be the top thing for this but they do love them. Kinsley adores looking at her toys and sits there smiling at them and trying to touch and pull them 💕 She loves her jelly cat bunnies Santa got one for each house and a little one that goes everywhere with her, they are the best!

I can’t believe our little cuteness is 2 months old next week, until then..


Tips for the week:

- Take your babies grunting and pushing seriously (dont awe in its cuteness for too long) and move them to the change table or a hard surface haha because they will then do a poonami on you and they can leak 😅 Kinsley did a huge one on me and it was alll over my hands and shorts - Lucky it was holidays and I could yell for nic to help (after he pissed himself laughing and took photos ha!)

- Get a family wagon before going down to one wage haha because babies may be small but they have a shit tonne of stuff! Or ask Santa for roof racks and a roof capsule like we did so you can actually take clothes for yourself when you travel ✌😂

- Lap up the baby cuddles and just relax when they want to snooze on you and take it all in because it goes so fast. I never believed my parents when they used to say we grow up too fast but its 100% true! My baby girl was been on this earth for 8 weeks and I feel like i blinked!

- Take advantage of Christmas break and having and extra pair of baby daddy hands around 24/7 it's amazing to have regular showers and be able to sleep more and alternate! I'm already dreading him going back to work (again haha).

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