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Writer's picture: Mama.Ash.xMama.Ash.x

Who would have known there is firstly 3-letter acronyms for everything in the baby making world and secondly that making a baby isn't as easy as the movies make it look!

Just some of the 3-letter acronyms required to delve deep into the baby making ecosystem:

- TTC aka Trying to concieve (extremely important at this stage)

- DPO aka days past ovulation

- AF aka Aunt Flow - ok, ok two letters I know but I was like why is it not just called your period!?

- 2WW aka Two Week Wait (between conception & testing)

- BFN/BFP aka Big fat negative/positive (pregnancy tests)

- HPT aka Home pregnancy Test

-OPK aka ovulation predictor kit

-BBT aka Basal Body Temperature (Temp when first waking)

Anyway you get the gist, there is a lot you can learn to try and nail getting pregnant, but you do also run the risk of falling deep into the rabbit hole of trying to do everything perfectly leading into it but ultimately its actually primarily about timing & sex (yes who would have known, sex makes babies people!).

The planner in me of course researched everything I could to give us the best chance at getting pregnant quickly, something that a lot of people under estimate is knowing your own cycle (without being on contraceptive as this can change things up). Luckily I have always been very in tune with mine so this was one of the hardest things checked off! I could then look into how to narrow down pin-pointing my fertile window. I used an app called Ovia fertility when I came off my contraceptive early last year which requires you to log data every day to build an accurate reflection and database of your body & cycle, it then even starts making predictions for you and telling you when is key timing etc! If you take the time to enter data or enjoy doing so I highly recommend this even if its just confirming what you know about your own body its super helpful and reassuring!

Another thing I used and found super helpful combined with the above and BBT tracking was Ovulation predictor kits, they helped me pin point my ovulation within my cycle so you can time making a baby as accurately as possible - These don't come with a cheap price tag but for me worked wonders! Seeing those smiley faces gives you this weird excitement!

Now for the fun part - making a baby (practice makes perfect)

-A x

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