Nic felt what he called a wave caauuuute! Baby has been moving so much and to me its getting stronger each day so one night I grabbed his hand and popped it on my belly (knowing I only had a small window for baby to kick again before tummy touching time was up haha) and baby did and Nic actually felt it - soooooo exciting! It makes me feel all mushy inside knowing Nic can feel this little one growing now too! Nic has even fallen asleep waiting while waiting for baby to move haha, typical we all know he falls asleep all the bloody time! I really want my family to feel him/her wriggle but everyime I try baby gets stubborn again and goes to sleep haha!
All the wriggles and kicks could be what has meant my sleep has been horrific this week, I can't really put it down to anything besides being restless and never comfortable (having to pee on average 3x a night doesn't help either haha - its started!!). This has meant that I have been exhusted a lot of the time which has brought on a couple of headaches too. But everyone just tells me its preparation for having a newborn so I suppose I should be thankful baby is training me already haha?
Well I'm not, I want a full nights sleep please!
Time is flying for me and sometimes its very overwhelming as there is still so much to do and think about or things I didn't even have on my radar to do (for example you give your employer 3 months formal notice and fill out all these forms with their help - That is me this week ahh! In 3 months my home of the last 7 years will temporarily say goodbye to me, which means I'm only 4 months away from giving birth!). Which then triggers further thoughts - like there is actually this phase of pregnancy called "labour aka giving birth" and it really starts to creep up on you ha!
Its really weird when you pass half way of your pregnancy, its like when you turn 25 years of age and people change overnight from telling you that "you're so young, plenty of time ahead" to "Have you brought a house? Getting married? Having Kids?" sheesh.
Well this is similar (or maybe its once that bump is constant and people realise its not going away haha?) either way you now get all the questions that you are yet to start really thinking about - "Are you going to breastfeed? Drugs or natural birth? Are you going to bank your cord blood?" and so on! Now turning 25 seems like nothing haha but I suppose at least it gets you thinking right?
My bump is now pretty much present 24/7 even in what were baggy tees or sack dresses! I envy those girls whos partners actually wear bigger size clothing than them so they can steal their comfy trackies, tees and hoods for round home. This is where I run into one HUGE (reverse pun intended) issue in the fact that Nic basically wears the same size as me (actually pants my booty means an issue) so his shit is also to small for me #FUSkinnyBoy haha! So when I breakdown and say I literally have nothing to wear that fits me I actually legit mean it bahahaha!
We had a beautiful Hekkens family dinner on Sunday at Jess & Jays and little did we know she had an ulterior motive to ask us all to be part of her wedding next year eeeek! I got the most stunning box asking me to be her Made of Honor "I've found my Mister, But I still need my Sister" (I wouldn't want it any other way and I am so excited and proud to be next to my baby sister marrying her childhood sweetheart!) But wait there is more... the most adorable part Baby Fels even got his/her "Bride Squad" Hoodie and asked to be the future flower girl or page boy! "Baby Fels, Our future niece or nephew - I can't say I Do without a prince or a princess like you!" awwww how special is that!
I'm ending week 21 and starting week 22 from Sydney where I am working for the next 2-3 days, I usually love flying as its the one place no one can reach you so you fully switch off, no internet, calls etc but this time round I am a little bit nervous. Not of the flight itself but of flying when pregnant but I'm not quite sure why haha - As I have had it all cleared with my midwife and I'm not in the risky end of the 3rd trimester but I think its more going through my head that if I feel weird or anything changes I am far away from Nic and whats comfortable. But I am in the lounge (Thanks James!) waiting for our delayed flight with food & a coke wooo (the one time I am here and I can't capitilise on the free wine haha!) but feeling pretty relaxed and looking forward to seeing if I sleep any better in a hotel bed tonight! I also love a good plane movie, but safe to say I will avoid any tear jerkers or I may end up a hormonal blubbering mess as lets be honest a comedy will probably make this pregnant lady cry haha.
Side notes this week:
- I've now officially gained 5.5kgs (majority in the last 5 weeks since the morning sickness faded) which my midwife said is a healthy amount and we are aiming for around 10-15kgs over my pregnancy which we will look more closely at over the next couple of appointments.
- I successfully ate about 8 pieces of ginger crunch in one day from Lawson (without feeling sick #nailedit) but I am extremely thankful they were bite size or I might have gained an additional kilo this week haha!
- We purchased our cot eeeeeek! (all will be revealed when the nursery is done but its white ha!)
- I've found myself talking to every little kid I see in stores (more than I used to) and I even channel my future mum by putting on a voice to test it out and staring at babies while trying to make eye contact with their parents incase they want to chat - goodness is this normal?
Another week gone - I hope you are all enjoying this mama in the makings musings!
-A x