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Writer's picture: Mama.Ash.xMama.Ash.x

We are down to the business end of things! Officially in our third trimester, we've actually completed week 1 of it! Only 11 to go (until our official EDD at least!). That is kind of a crazy but an exciting thought! Sometimes it makes me a little bit nervous - I'm not worried about birth itself as I know my body will do what it needs to and however it happens as long as the outcome is a healthy baby & mama then the world is right (I have an ideal plan but the trick is that's all it is you can't get hung up on it as things will change and we have no control so just roll with it an relax - Ill share a bit more about my birth plan in the coming weeks). Honestly, the only part I get a little nervous about is actually being a first time mum - I mean hell yes I am excited and I've wanted this forever but its a daunting feeling when the realisation dawns that you will be responsible for a life other than your own and to mold this little human into who they will become. What if I’m not very good at it? What if baby isn't happy? There are a million things that run through your head and I know that's completely normal but it doesn't make it any less nerve-wracking! I've been told I am a very maternal person so hopefully that's true and I ace this new mama thing haha!

I am officially starting to feel preggers AF! Heavy, uncomfortable and super tired and I have days where I just want to sleep it all away (bahaha dreaming I know, what is sleep again?). Pregnancy is tough and shit it makes you realise that women’s bodies are such powerful machines to grow and carry life so how can you not love being pregnant (95% of the time haha).

Leg cramps have kicked up a notch for me and at night are now insane! Mine are in my calves, you want to stretch but do not do it - it’s a trick! You will then seize and cramp up, just shuffle around and rub it with your other foot haha and if you like to live life on the edge a bit like I do you could even slowly stretch until you feel the muscle start to contract and then ease off, border that line but if you go to far look out!

In a quiet room it sounds like wind howling outside when I breathe ha! One night I was lying in bed like “I swear you don’t hear wind this loud inside unless it’s super stormy” and every time I would listen it would stop (cause I was holding my breath hahahah) oh gosh, safe to say I didn't share this with Nic as I wanted to avoid getting laughed at haha! Another thing that comes with pregnancy (yup there is heaps of things, I never used to believe it either but all you ladies out there its true haha) is a permanent stuffy nose, or otherwise it’s bleeding for me (not much just trickles down my throat eww!)

This week was birthday week for this mama to be - I turned 27 eeeek (what a yuck number, me and my OCD like even numbers) but It’s an exciting year for us so I couldn’t actually be happier! I spent my birthday week in Ohakune with mum & dad just being with them before baby comes and it was so nice and the new place instantly felt like home, rings true to home is where the heart is and with two hearts as big as my mum & dads anyone would feel at home there :) This did mean that Nic went back to Auckland for a few days and shit I missed him! When he came back Thursday night for a long weekend down there I heard the car come up the road and I was soooo excited, I ran out and gave him the biggest squeeze (I didn’t jump on him like I normally would as I am currently heavier than him hahahah so he may have broken)! I was just so happy to have him back, even though I slept better without him in the bed I just feel safer with him there next to me. I think its because if I’m upset, frustrated or aching in the night he’s there to calm me and help me get back to sleep (sleeping very pregnant is honestly the worst part of my day, I dread hopping in bed as I know it’s not going to be relaxing or comfy). Anytime it’s us as our little family I am just so at ease, cheesy I know #sorrynotsorry

The rest of my tribe joined us for the weekend and we spent my birthday up Turoa on a bluebird day! One I will never forget - We also had a lovely dinner at the Matterhorn, food was divine and then followed by a Just jess cake (of course!) I was spoiled with my fav flavour - white chocolate and raspberry mudcake with ganache icing and it was beautiful to eat and look at (Baby Fels also appreciated the big slice this mama had haha).

And of course I was spoiled with gifts! One that we finished week 28 on was that tonight we had our 4D ultrasound that mum & dad gave me as part of my birthday present. There is mixed opinions on these, with them being hit or miss dependent on babies growth, position and some people find them super creepy! (I mean they are not art but I think it’s so cool the technology where you can see more than an x-ray like profile of the little one to be). So we chatted about it and decided we wanted to go for one so even if we didn’t get great images we have the memories of seeing the little rugrat move around inside my tummy on the big screen and to learn a little more about their personality and traits. Result I am so glad we did it; I had the best evening seeing our baby and got a few cute snaps! Fellow future mamas if you’re unsure listen to others opinions but only to then form your own and don’t be afraid if people don’t agree or try to put you off - You do you boo haha! As that’s what it is all about you and your growing family and that goes for anything in pregnancy! Its your special time, remember that.

Baby Fels - 28w + 6d  - My 4D ultrasound  Once again I was a stubborn little thing and like hiding from the ultrasound people or wriggling everywhere but where I’m meant to go hehe!

We learnt today that I am on the bigger side (so growing very well haha) but mummy may have a bigger job getting me out  than she hoped - Only time will tell ooops! My adorable feet are 6.5cm long  and they don't stop wriggling or kicking only when I sleep. I always have my hands on my face and like to suck on my arm and umbilical cord too. I’m facing by mummy’s back and still like laying up the top  facing down. I weigh 1.6kgs / 3lbs 9oz My head is average 8.75cm in diameter and my little ears were 2.5cm . I’m very active, my heart is super strong and I'm breathing my amniotic fluid really well. My mummy & daddy think I have an Ashley nose but A Nic head and mouth, so looking more like a Fels baby at this stage I would say! 

So overall an AMAZING week that has once again flown by – now on to the next!

-A x

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