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Writer's picture: Mama.Ash.xMama.Ash.x

Drop it, drop it down real low Baby Fels because this mama is ready ro meet you and start our next chapter in life as a little family ❤ Also my midwife is back from Europe today so she will be here for your arrival (not that it would have freaked me out if baby came without her but I definitely prefer her to be here as shes been with us the whole journey) so feeling a weight off my shoulders knowing shes home hehe and we get to visit her Thursday yay!

Things have been changing up a lot this week and I am hoping it is because this little one is getting closer to making his/her entrance into the world! My stretch marks are now insane, they have literally tripled in the last 2 days and now sit right around the top of my thighs and by hips/booty. I've struggled with their appearance this week and I cant really explain why it's just they have become so intense! I know they are the scars that have let me create and carry life so no doubt I will learn to love them. We have also noticed that I'm holding fluid in my feet and hands which started last week when I was doing too much but now it's pretty standard for this mama, it has meant my engagement ring is well and truly stuck. We spent 2 days trying every trick under the sun but it wont budge so fingers crossed I dont swell more and it can just stay on until post birth and not have to be cut off ahhhhhh!

I actually put my feet up this week which I'm proud of as there is always stuff that needs doing but I'm trying to listen to my body haha! (How stubborn is that, I don't even want to listen to myself!?) I set myself goals of needing to be on the couch by 2:30pm so I can rest and at least try to nap before Nic gets home (the sitting has happened not the napping haha but I started Lucifer on Netflix so am completely addicted = eyes wide open lol).

I have a swiss ball that I sit on when we are watching TV or chilling in the lounge, I kind of bounce and rotate my hips around on it most nights as I have found it relieves some of the pressure on my back, hips and pelvis (which this week has started aching). To be honest I know posture is a huge thing that helps delivery/birth but I m lucky and have found I'm most comfortable sitting upright with my legs wide - I actually still dread bedtime as laying is just horrific and sore no matter what I do! But I force myself to go to bed (obviously haha) as I know I need as much sleep/rest as possible even if it is broken!

The long weekend was absolute bliss, divine weather and just super relaxing (may have been because most people were away so I had no one to hang with and it forced me to actually relax haha!). Nic went fishing on what's probably his last trip with the boys before baby arrives, they went out to great barrier had a stunning and successful day. The first time I called him to say good morning on my way to yoga he answered going "don't tell me it's happening" hahahaha cause we really didn't want labour weekend to actually be "labor" weekend haha! But we made it through with baby still cooking. I miraculously still fitted a bikini top (little bit more revealing than previous years but it still held the girls in woo) which meant I was able to lay out in the sun at home, skittle joined me and it was super nice to just see some sunlight and not have anything to do!

We are going to try do a date night every week until baby decides to show up to make the most of the last moments of just us two and because we can haha! This week we went to the movies and to be honest that's about all I can handle nowadays haha home by 7:30pm woooo. We saw Christopher Robin and it was so adorable, actually quite funny but safe to say I am extremely hormonally pregnant hahaha as the slightly sad parts I was a blubbing mess! - Like why did I even put mascara on because it was gone when I came out lol. We then got Thai take out and went for a drive around the point which was so chilled and lovely on a beautiful evening.

The planner in me and to be honest the me in me means I am really starting to get worried and even a little upset and worked up over names. It's a huge deal to give someone a name for the rest of their life and we agree that we will need to see baby before we name them but I feel like Nic just doesnt want to narrow it down to even a few until we actually pop the thing out (not before like me). So for me that's super stressful and overwhelming as it's too many to choose from (like 10 of each gender!) But its like bashing my head against a brick wall - It's on my mind every bloody day, suppose we will see what the next week brings! Wish me luck!

Pregnancy goes super fast but its true that the last month is like super slow motion, just like anything exciting waiting is so hard and brings out the most impatient side in everyone haha! Still crazy to think tomorrow we at 38 weeks and officially its Baby Month! Nic really wants Baby Fels to have a November birth date so hopefully you will hear from me next week :P

-A x

Side notes this week

- We decided to hire our capsule from Baby on the Move for the first 6 months and then move into a newborn convertible carseat. This week I picked it up and its in the car ready to go so now we can actually have a baby if we want haha!

- I can officially use Baby Fels as a table, but it comes with caution as we still have a strong wriggler that really likes to stretch their little legs and push things that touch my tummy off :P

- I didn't think it was humanly possible to pee anymore frequently than I have been literally every hour and a half but oh boy was i wrong! It's now every 45 minutes and in the night like 7-8x baby is deff putting some pressure down there!

- I haven't been one of the mamas that leak in late pregnancy (well not yet anyway) but your ta-ta's start producing colostrum (first milk) before you realise, for me its just staying stored inside. When I have a warm shower I can express small little drops out its crazy and was actually quite exciting when I tried!

- Skittle has loved having me home every day and is actually hanging around me - I think she knows something is going on and that she soon won't be the centre of daddy attention haha!

- I brought Baby Mama & Daddy shirts for fathers day and actually remembered to take a cheesy couple photo in them this week - I LOVE it and can't wait to have matching family photos :P (no doubt Nic can't wait either ha!)

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