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  • Writer's pictureMama.Ash.x


Its baby month and we are ready! ❤

Being as we are getting closer to the day we meet our little one I thought I should actually talk about things to do with birth itself (yes you do have to do it haha, your not pregnant then with child there is one HUGE step in-between). So I thought I would share with you my birth preferences, preferences not plan you ask? Well my personal outlook on birth is that your baby has a mind of it's own and will enter this world on it's own accord, when it and your body are ready... that birth cannot be planned, our bodies will take it in their own hands and do what needs to be done or what they can to bring baby into this world so don't get too hung up on a birth PLAN because it probably won't happen. I think its best to have preferences or yes, an ideal so the parts you end up being able to control or influence when the time comes you can but just roll with how everything else pans out, relax and let nature do its thing! Mental preparation is probably the most important in my eyes, if you believe in yourself and your body nobody can f**k with that! For me I am so excited so this is what I have focused on! So many women have done this before, we are built for it and everyone's experience is so different why work ourselves up over what could be before it could be? Relax mamas and experience and live whatever is thrown your way!

Obviously you still have to focus and think about the whole process and all the which ways it could go and don't get me wrong there is a lot of things to consider and think about what you and your familys preference is and communicate this with your LMC. I thought I would share with you guys the top things in mine, these wont be top decisions for all mamas but for me (and Nic) they are the areas where the most research, discussion and control could be had so I have we have a stronger ideal. I do have a full birth preference aka "plan" if anyone wants to know more just let me know :)

1. Cutting the cord - Nic is going to do this, its something quite symbolic for future memories and when baby first makes their entrance into the world (apparantly it's like chopping rope or gristle haha)

2. Delayed Cord Clamping - The NZ standards/protocol is pretty good where its not common to just birth & chop but its still best to voice your wants if you want to get the maximum length of time possible before the cord is cut. We have decided to proceed with delayed cord clamping to get the final/most nutrience from my placenta to Baby Fels, as to us there were no negatives to waiting a few minutes only possible benefits so we agreed why not!?

3. Annoucing the gender- We have a surprise baby so this was a question asked, I really really REALLY wanted Nic to do this, I have always thought he would be the one to say "babe we have a son or daughter" so when we talked about it he was totally happy to (I don't think he knew it was really an option or had thought about it before) so it was a super easy decision but a top one for me as I think its beautiful that as a Dad of his first born he gets to not only tell me but our family there of we have a girl or a boy (i get teary just thinking about it, but then I also giggle because a part of me is like oh who will do it if he faints during delivery hahahahah!)

4. Pain relief - This is a huge topic and such a personal decision and one you have to actually be super fluid with dependant on how the whole labour & birthing process goes for you, remember everyone is different and whats right for you could be wrong for them - You do you! I am just going to go with the flow and see what happens, I'm not anti or pro anything I will just do what needs to be done in the moment and time. I plan to be using gas as I think it will make me focused on contractions and almost be a rhythmic common denominator, ideally I dont want to have any of the drugs offered via IV etc as they do cross the placenta so will avoid anything like that if I can and I'm not anti epidural but will give it a go without it as I'm no too big a fan of anything around my spine little own a needle! But hey if I want it I may take it who knows! I'm hoping water and movement will be my best friends as they seem to have been when I am in pain previously and they really calm me down and keep me focused (I have lived in a bath this pregnancy too so am very comfortable there).

5. C-section - I really really want to avoid this mainly due to the recovery and I have had enough surgeries in my life to be honest, I hate the things! But if it is in mine or bebes best interest on the day I wont let it upset me.

6. Labour - my preference is to use water, swiss ball, movement and not be laying on a bed. I am going to be at home along as possible being as the hospital is so close so we can get there quick smart if needed

7. Induction - I am hoping we don't get to this point (to be totally honest) and all the above is my preference based on if I go into labour naturally otherwise it all changes haha! I wan't my body to be ready to birth so the closer we get to that 42 weeks I will probably get a wee more nervous as I don't want to have to bring it on. Once again I can't control it so lets see how we go!

We had our weekly midwife appointment on Thursday and everything was humming along really nicely. My fluid retention is normal for this late in pregnancy so nothing to worry about and my blood pressure is still perfect so she was happy for Baby Fels to keep cooking until he or she is ready. Baby is still in a nice position and is 3/5 engaged in this mamas pelvis so definitely moving down yay!! Next week Nic will come and meet Brooke so he knows who to look for when we get to hospital hahaha!

We also completed our antenatel classes with parents center which was awesome that we actually made it to the end without having babies so we maximised learning haha - we were the most worried being due first! We both actually found it super valuable and informative and had amazing teachers! Learnt so much that will help us bring baby into our big wide world and also that will help us support each other and made us talk about decisions and plans together which was so so valuable!! Also made some amazing friends that we will deff be having some babies and beersies dates with in the future 🙌🏻. Highly recommended to any mamas to be!

I have had a few changes this week (then I am looking out for them more hoping that the day we meet our bebe is coming closer haha) but nothing too major. I have had a wee bit of cramping in the night and the pelvis discomfort is now pretty much there all the time (few shoots of pain when baby moves heaps). I now am the official owner of stretch marks on my tummy (bit late to the club on this one!) but still nothing compared to my thighs/hips. Its now pretty much impossible to lie on my back even for a few minutes as its not worth the pain when I get up again haha (Yes I still keep trying just for 5 mins on the couch because I am SICK of sitting so vertical and straight all the time haha).

Anyway thats it for week 38 (it goes a LOT slower when your baby waiting!)

So slow I even started our Baby book to get a head start on the life as we know it sections :P

-A x

Side notes this week:

- We spent a lot of time with our families and it was just what we needed to really enjoy their company before baby changes all our lives.

- Cohen our youngest nephew is so excited to be a cousin and every time he sees me he pat's my belly and asks if baby is smiling or big like him yet. We spent Saturday night at Nic's parents with him and Nic taught him to blow raspberries on the baby I was in uncontrollable fits of laughter so bloody cute though!!

- Mum and Dad came up for a visit to do a few bits in the big smoke haha so was nice to have them with me for a couple days and Nic worked late this week so I had company!

- Mum gave me a foot and back massage as our usual therapists wouldn't now I'm so close to my due date incase it brings on labour! I was so dev when they said this as it is when you need it the most haha!

- We purchased a Nuna Leaf for babies bouncer which was the last thing we wanted before baby came yay!

- Nic has been working outside like a mad man getting hedges looking good, repotting trees and our new strawberry plants for summer all before baby arrives #malenesting

- Hobsonville point do trick or treat on the closest Sunday to halloween and my sister baked mini donuts so I went and helped her feed the kiddies as we don't get them at my house soooo much fun!!

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