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  • Writer's pictureMama.Ash.x


So this week I woke up, blinked and it was gone. Time is just flying by and each week we are getting closer to meeting our little one eeek exciting times to come!

We kicked the week off with our first midwife visit with Brooke being on holiday so we had a backup, super casual session baby was healthy; mama was healthy so everything is looking good and we are progressing along nicely. We are waiting to hear from the hospital to see if another growth scan is required as baby is measuring quite large (apparently - I vote baby is just tall like its daddy and its throwing the measurements hahahaha #icanhope).

We had a super productive week in Baby Fels nursery and my tradie was put to work again hehe! We now have shelves above the dresser & change table and our curtain rails are up with Oma currently altering the curtain length for us, what would we do without her! It’s starting to all come together and radiates warmth, love and comfort - It’s my favourite room in the house and I can't wait for baby to settle into it (sometimes I even find myself just sitting in there pottering and adding things, so the definition of nesting haha!)

Being as we are getting closer to d-day we have had to start thinking more about names and options for both boys & girls, we are still keeping these secret from family and friends so we have something to announce on the day. Nic is not a big reader and getting him to sit down and read a list I have put together I knew wouldn't happen so I improvised (#ashwins). I like to call it the name game - I have post it notes stuck on the nursery door, yes of course they are colour coded pink = girl, blue = boy and there is a system of ranking and elimination #OCDmuch. Because this is opposite, our bedroom each day we see the options read, say them out-loud and then re-order what we like or pull down what we do not. We are in the culling stage so we get down to a few of each to then fine tune. So far we have a couple of boys names we are both pretty set on but girls is proving more difficult haha! It’s also quite handy forcing yourself to say them out-loud as some look and sound cool in your head but when you say them it’s a whole other story haha #thoseonesareinthbin. We do have to remember when people are visiting or we go away to pull them down and hide them which is actually kind of exciting (to me anyway haha).

Saturday was a stunning day in Auckland and it finally worked with our postponed maternity shoot timings yay! We had a shoot with Natasha from Riverland Images who I know from high school. The lighting and weather was amazing but being located at Muriwai the wind did make it fun (and effective haha) but safe to say afterwards I was pretty chilly from being dressed in next to nothing and it took a few days or my lip burn to die down haha - The things we do for photos! Nic like many males is not the biggest fan of having his photo taken (especially posed!) but he was awesome and I know he did it for me and the memories of growing this baby so thankyou babe! We won’t have them through until later in the week but we are lucky enough to have a sneak peek and I am already loving them, my little future family on a page!

I have a prominent bump aka ball so it’s no secret I am pregnant haha but honestly over the weekend it has actually grown (again!) Within a couple of days at work I had about 6 people say to me "wow you are like super pregnant now" or "you have really popped" with emphasis on the REALLY haha. So safe to say looks wise I am matching how I feel - Big but still so in love with carrying a precious life!

And just like that week 31 has gone - chat more next week

-A x

Side notes this week:

- Nausea has started to creep back in, mainly first thing in the morning (so actually morning sickness this time) but I can keep it at bay so its algood and I am thinking it could just be a phase or because I am super exhausted at the moment!? Guess we shall see :P

- Discomfort is now common factor in this mamas pregnancy, everything is difficult and makes you super tired faster (my 4pm slump has now moved forward to about 2pm), my daily struggles include the simplest things like: Walking 3 flights of stairs at work and not being able to talk for 5 minutes afterwards due to shortness of breath, putting my shoes on every morning legit takes 6 minutes, getting out of bed I can't not groan and I almost have to roll like a seal ha!

- I started to make myself lists (What to pack in my hospital bag & things to accomplish before baby arrives) so I feel like I have a plan of attack when I finish work in 2.5 weeks eeeek!

- Aunty Jess & Uncle Jay got back from Bali and Baby Fels got the cutest little gifts! Adorable little overall suits and babys first dream catcher.

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