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Writer's picture: Mama.Ash.xMama.Ash.x

This week saw out my last days of work before going on maternity leave and it was a very emotion filled ride, I have been at FCB for close to seven years surrounded by an amazing team and although I know I will be back in just over a year we are in a change filled industry so I don't know who will still be there when I walk back in those doors. So although I was excited to stop work and start my next chapter of being a mama I did also feel like I was saying goodbye. I had the most relaxed and lovely day and was super spoiled with a morning tea, presents and a lunch with all my favs before walking out the door of 57 Wellington Street. A HUGE thank you to my partner in crime (The other Ash haha) who has been right beside me these last couple of years through good and bad and made my final days at work amazing - I miss you already!

Baby Fels was super spoilt with presents, flowers and personalised gifts from the team, my close friends and clients so thank you to every single one of you!

Waking up on Monday felt normal I was wide awake when Nic left in the early hours but being able to hop back in bed after getting some water was a feeling like no other. I actually proceeded to then fall back to sleep for an hour which was bliss. But I think it really sunk in the following day when I fell asleep on the couch with fresh air and sun coming in the ranch slider - This I tell you is the BEST 45 minutes of sleep I have had since I was about 12 weeks pregnant haha so bring on more naps (in-between full nesting mode of getting everything for Baby Fels ready haha).

We went down to mum & dads in Kune town for the weekend so Nic could get in some slope time before baby arrives and it may very well be the last time we make the trip down there with baby's arrival creeping ever so close! We have to stop a LOT for this pregnant mama to wee and stretch but I managed to hold on at the end but when we reached mum and dads I sprinted in straight to do wees even in 2 degrees with no pants on because they got to uncomfortable on the drive haha (and I had a crop top on too)! What a site that would have been for their neighbours ;)

My beautiful nana (soon to be Baby Fels great nana) is house-sitting down there at the moment so when the family went up the mountain Saturday we got to spend time together going to brunch and for a little shop, it was so nice and a great way to start the weekend. Baby Daddy had an epic day up the mountain, there was a huge base of fresh snow and he boarded powder up the top after a hike to get there haha!

That evening didn't quite go to plan - We had a big scare where I hadn't felt Baby Fels move significantly for a couple of days and it was in the back of my mind all day before I finally called my midwife. I just couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to be sure everything was ok. I'm really glad I did although safe to say Baby Fels was just tricking us and having a couple of quiet days! We ended up having to go to hospital to get a CTG (heart reading) for baby to ensure that decreased fetal movements were not putting mama or baby in any danger. Being in Ohakune the closest hospital is Wanganui (1hr 20mins drive) so this is where we spent our evening. Truth be told I was shit scared, the most I have been the whole pregnancy and it was horrible. I was quiet with my mind running a million miles an hour about what would happen if they found something wrong or I needed to stay. I had a beautiful hospital midwife who made us both feel super comfortable and they hooked me up to the monitor and tracked us both, one thing that was cool to hear was that what I have been thinking are braxton-hicks contractions most definitely are as they were showing up on the reader quite a lot so cool to know I recognised that in my own body. After about 10 minutes of monitoring baby Fels decided he/she had had enough and proceeded t kick the monitor off haha this is when relief flooded in that we were back to normal! So we still have one healthy bebe, just one that wanted to play with mama & daddy emotions this week. But I am glad we went and had everything checked out or I would have kicked myself if something had happened! Safe to say hospital bag packing is now top of my priority list though so we are prepared no matter what happens haha!

I have finally had some time to start going through our baby shower presents and find them homes within the near complete nursery (you will get to see it soon I promise!). We were spoiled with so many adorable and functional gifts that this little family will use & treasure. There are a few that I wanted to show-off to you all because the love that has gone into them is overwhelming and they hold a gooey spot in this mama's heart.

- Oma aka Mummy Mitch knitted an adorable set of merino goodies for baby, they are just perfection and will be loved by the little one!

- Great Nana aka my nana has been working on oil paintings of myself & Nic as babies all year and they are so adorable, as soon as we opened them we knew the exact photos they had come from. It makes us super excited to see what mix of these baby Fels will look like!

- Uncle Broccy & Aunty Lu had a custom Fels wee MX shirt made for when baby WILL get on a dirt bike haha! Its a mini fox one and just too cute!

This week ended for me devouring a Harry Potter cupcake & Butterbeer shake with my beautiful sister (our first maternity leave date wooo) and now heading off to Baby School with the boy.

I can't believe I will wake up tomorrow and be 5 weeks away from our due date - EXCITING!

-A x

Side notes this week:

- I invested in a belly band and holey f*** I wish I had done so about 5-6 weeks ago. It helps the pressure on my pelvis so much! Its just an elastic one so it goes nicely under all my tight clothes but has lots of lower support. Highly recommend!

- My belly button is SO CLOSE to popping out but still hanging in there as an inny haha!

- We are no further along in the name game and seriously need to start thinking about it but somehow we keep putting it off (because its so hard!)

- Nic needs to start practicing answering his phone when I call because one day soon it could be the real deal - This is probably what worries me the most more than actual labour even because he is so bloody useless and if anyone will miraculously miss my our birth it would be him haha!

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