This week everything for me became real, although the symptoms are all there seeing your little home inside me and the flicker of that strong heartbeat makes something switch over inside. Its hard to explain but it changes and all of a sudden you become protective over this little berry growing in your tummy. I guess this is where parents instinct starts to kick in?
We had our first Ultra-sound this week, the official dating scan to see if my estimated due date for our little one was correct (Of course i was bloody bang on, you know me I have a solid reputation in planning, deadlines & being correct haha). So babys official due date is November 7th 2018 (The day after its Daddy's Birthday) safe to say we may have to delay Nics 30th & do a 30.5 party or pretend its the following year haha!
To be honest in the Ultra-sound everything just looks like black & white blobs so I am very thankful the lady doing it talked me through all the shapes in this puzzle haha! This early on we could see the little yolk sac, the teeny tiny blob thats baby which has a little light flickering within it which is actually the heart beating away! So crazy to see but instant reassurance everything is ok. Mum was there with me and for those of you that know how good Nic is at being places on time would have probably figured by now that he missed it hahaha! He called as he was leaving site thinking it was half an hour later than it was so at 12 weeks I think ill tell him its an hour before it actually is.. At least he got it out the way early.
-A x